Garden is the best part of the house as it is a unique place for the person who plants it. Also, it helps the gardener to achieve its goal. Planting trees is the task which everyone can easily accomplish but adding art in the garden area is the thing which can be achieved by very few people. Thus, to overcome this problem and waste your time in thinking about which craft art is the best suitable for your garden.

Garden art ideas, add the beauty into the outdoor garden area and it is the best idea to save planet as well as a good addition to your home. Here are some of the garden art ideas for your home which makes your gardening area more colorful and unique in it and hence it would be best place to relax in winters while enjoying breakfast.
1 Golf Ball in Lady Bugs
In this you can paint some of the old golf balls like lady bugs and place them at each distance in your garden. This idea is best suitable for golf and gardening lovers.
2. Toadstools
For this idea you can collect old wooden salad bowls from home, color these bowls and have fun with garden toadstools. These toadstools can easily put in a flower bed or vegetable garden. Moreover, you can also put them under trees.
3. Fences that spark
An ordinary wooden material fence would be boring to look at. To add shinning on the fence, you can put some glass marbles or stone with different colours that totally change the look of the fences. Thus, you can use these art ideas to transform a boring fence into a creative fence.
4. Planting on bicycle
To make garden area more creative, old bicycle is the best option preovided by lamour et fleurs. You just have to take your old bicycle out from garage and paint them in the colour you want. Put some pot in the front of the bicycle. Thus, now bicycle is converted into a planter.
5. Soda can flowers
Collect empty soda cans from your house or don’t allow your mom to give it to recycle centres. From these you can make soda can flowers which are unique and colourful addition in the garden area.
6. Planters travelling in train
Create a small train where each bogie contains the pot. You can make it using wood and different recycled materials. Thus, garden area can be converted into railway platform and a grateful addition also.
7. Fish chair
Every gardener needs a sitting place in the garden area and relax over there after doing all sorts of labour work. Fish chair is the perfect place to relax. Thus it provides a perfect solution to this problem.
8. Turtle with rocks and sand
If you are living in rock areas then how this can be possible that your garden area does not contain any turtle made up with rocks and sand. Thus, it is a great way to enhance the beauty of garden with them. You can use big rocks to make its eyes, small rocks to complete the edges and show the uniformity and sand can be place in the centre to show turtle’s shell.
9. Minion with unused tyres
Have some old tyres at your place, then you might be thinking about what to do with them. Use at least three tyres and place them over and above. Paint them like a minion and place it anywhere in the garden area. In short, you will stand a guard over growing plants.
What’s your idea to decorate garden? Share with us in comment section.