When you’re furnishing your child’s bedroom, there’s a temptation to go ‘style over substance’ and decorate by picking what looks the cutest and what you think will appeal to your child the most. It is important to remember that sometime functionality is more important than aesthetics.
Which is why we’ve put together this guide looking at some must have pieces for your child’s bedrooms and looking into why they’re essential for your child and their bedroom!
Create Play Space With Bunk Beds
More than likely, your child’s bedroom is one of, if not their favourite spot to play at home, their bedroom is their space and most children have a connection with their bedrooms and enjoy playing there. However most normal beds will remove lots of valuable play space on the floor, which isn’t ideal if your child can be a messy player or likes to roam a lot.

So, by swapping out their normal bed for a bunk bed is an excellent choice, bunk beds lift the bed off the floor and leave an open space below, which is perfect for playing and when your child gets too old to simply play, it can be kept and the area under the bed converted into something else, like a reading nook or media space.
Keep The Lighting Right With Day & Night Blinds
If your child also uses their bedroom as a play space, you’ll have to balance the lighting for the room, if you go too dark then the bedroom will be dim during the day which will make playing there harder, or if you go too light, then your child may struggle falling asleep come nigh time. So it is very important for you to make sure the lighting works both during the day and at night.
For balancing the light, it’s good to use lamps and small lights around the room, this will give you a great deal of control over the artificial lighting in the room. As well as the artificial light, you should balance the natural light with a set of day and night blinds, which have a dimout layer for letting light in during the day and a blackout layer for keeping light out at bedtime.
Provide Space To Create With A Desk
A good quality child sized desk is an essential for a child’s bedroom, having a space set aside exclusively for learning and creating will help forge good habits for when your child grows up. As they associate their desk with work and learning, they’ll be more prepared for tasks like homework when they get old enough to receive it.
Not only will having a desk in your child’s room build good habits in relation to work and learning, but a desk also gives them a surface to be creative on, which is good for them as they have a safe space to make a mess and good for you as they aren’t making that mess on the floor.